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Mind Matters: How Our Mind Type Affects Our Well-Being

Personality shapes the core of our identity, affecting how we think, feel, and act. In any form of therapy, understanding one’s personality becomes an invaluable resource for both therapist and client, aiding in the identification and treatment of various mental health issues but also sheds light on the complexities of human experience, fostering a deeper sense of self-awareness and personal growth.

By tuning into your individual needs and personality style, I can hopefully design interventions that align precisely with your specific attributes, facilitating not only growth but also long-term mental well-being, self-knowledge, and a deeper understanding of your unconscious processing, which we may not always have direct access to.

Understanding these three simple Mind Types is not just about knowing how hypnotizable you are, although that’s an incredibly useful tool in therapy, especially when combined with hypnotherapy or self-hypnosis in the pursuit of change. It’s also about gaining a deeper insight into how you interact with the world around you. Are you driven by emotion and intuition, like the Dionysian? Or perhaps you lean more towards logic and reason, like the Apollonian. Maybe you find yourself striking a balance between these poles, like the Odyssean. These insights can guide our therapy sessions, helping to tailor strategies that resonate with your natural inclinations.

The emphasis on hypnotizability further distinguishes the HIP (Hypnotic Induction Profile) Mind Types from other personality frameworks. Hypnosis is not mere entertainment; it’s a clinically recognized method for facilitating therapeutic change. Knowing your HIP Mind Type can enhance your ability to engage with hypnotherapy, and therapy in general, potentially making your therapeutic journey more impactful.

[If you’d like to try out a quick, 10 minute, self-assessed experiential assessment of your Mind Type, alongside this more cognitive assessment, you can find that here: Unlocking the Mind: Find Out How Hypnotizable You Are]


To unravel the complexity of personal identity, various frameworks have emerged, each offering unique lenses to perceive and interpret who we are. Three of these are core to our self-understanding: Myers-Briggs (MBTI), the Enneagram, and Mind Types. Each offers unique insights into different facets of our being, contributing to a multifaceted picture of who we are.

MBTI: The Cognitive Framework

MBTI, or Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, serves as a Cognitive Operating System, shedding light on our intellectual processing. It categorizes individuals based on their cognitive preferences, like thinking versus feeling or intuition versus sensing. MBTI is focused on how we interpret and engage with the world mentally, providing insights into our cognitive machinery and thinking patterns.

Enneagram: The Emotional Framework

In contrast, the Enneagram can be seen as our Emotional Intelligence Operating System. Unlike MBTI, which emphasizes cognitive functions, the Enneagram delves into the emotional core of a person. It explores the underlying motivations, fears, and desires that drive our behaviour and provides a roadmap to understanding what emotionally fuels us. By focusing on our heart’s inclinations, it aids in personal growth and self-awareness.

HIP Mind Types: The Physical Framework

HIP Mind Types, encompassing the Apollonian, Dionysian, and Odyssean types, represent the Body Intelligence OS. This perspective goes beyond cognitive and emotional categorizations to explore our physical and instinctual engagements with the world. These types offer insights into how we viscerally respond to stimuli, including therapeutic interventions, and help in understanding our body’s inherent wisdom.


1. Losing Yourself in the Moment (Space Awareness)

While watching a film, tv show or play, do you:

A. Become so absorbed that you lose awareness of where you are?
B. Not become that much absorbed?
C. Become absorbed but surprised when the curtain comes down?

2. Living in the Present (Time Perception)

Do you focus more on:

A. The present?
B. Past-present, present-future, or all three equally?
C. The past and/or future?

3. Guided by Emotions (Heart vs. Head)

Do you give priority to:

A. Following your emotions, even if it conflicts with logical reasoning?
B. Logic and rational thinking, sometimes suppressing your emotions?
C. A balance between emotional responses and logical thinking?

4. Flexibility in Relationships (Interpersonal Control)

In your interactions, do you:

A. Often let others take the lead, even if it means your needs might get overshadowed?
B. Usually take control of interactions, sometimes stifling spontaneity?
C. Try to find a balance between taking control and allowing others to lead?

5. Trusting Others (Trust Proneness)

When meeting new people, do you:

A. Trust others easily, sometimes leading to disappointment?
B. Exercise caution in trusting others, which might lead to missed connections?
C. Balance trust with caution, evaluating each situation individually?

6. Open-minded Learning (Critical Appraisal and Learning Style)

When encountering new ideas, do you:

A. Approach them with an open mind, sometimes accepting misguided beliefs?
B. Quickly analyze and judge the information, possibly missing novel possibilities?
C. Balance open-mindedness with critical thinking to explore new ideas carefully?

7. Free-spirited Responsibility (Responsibility)

In daily life, do you:

A. Prioritize personal fulfillment, sometimes conflicting with societal expectations?
B. Feel a strong sense of duty and responsibility, which may sometimes restrict joy?
C. Strive to find a balance between personal fulfillment and responsibility?

8. Learning through Experience (Preferred Mode of Contact)

Do you prefer:

A. Learning through direct experience and touch?
B. Learning best through visual means like reading?
C. Adapting your learning style to different situations, utilizing both direct experience and visual means?

9. The Joy of Dreaming (Processing)

When thinking about projects or ideas, do you:

A. Revel in dreaming up new ideas, even if practical implementation is challenging?
B. Find satisfaction mainly in implementing ideas, sometimes limiting imaginative exploration?
C. Enjoy both dreaming and implementing, finding a harmony between the two?

10. Trusting Intuition (Writing Value)

When working or studying, do you:

A. Rely on your intuition and often work without notes?
B. Depend on writing and note-taking for clarity?
C. Find a balance between trusting intuition and relying on written notes?

If you’d like to self-assess your Mind Type, please refer to the categories below to learn about your dominant personality type:

  • Mostly A’s: You display a Dionysian personality. Explore the descriptions below to understand the unique attributes of your personality type.
  • Mostly B’s: You reflect an Apollonian personality. Review the insights below to delve into the characteristics of this personality type.
  • Even Mix of A’s and B’s: You may have an Odyssean personality, embodying a blend of both Dionysian and Apollonian traits. Have a read of the description of this style below to provide a deeper understanding of this mind type.

If you’re doing this quiz as part of the onboarding process of having therapy with me, can you please make a brief note of your answers and send them to me on WhatsApp so that we can refer to them later (e.g. My Mind Type is DIONYSIAN : 1a, 2b, 3a etc.)


The Dionysian personality embodies a passionate and experiential approach to life, embracing the emotions, sensations, and joys of the present moment. Here’s an exploration of how the Dionysian lives and loves, explores and learns:

Losing Yourself in the Moment (Space Awareness)
As a Dionysian, you have an incredible ability to become absorbed in experiences like reading a captivating novel, watching an emotional film, or enjoying live music. You can easily get lost in the passion and feeling of the moment, making these experiences intensely fulfilling. However, this might make you prone to losing track of time or missing other commitments. Do you find that your ability to lose yourself in the moment ever leads you to neglect other areas of your life?

Living in the Present (Time Perception)
You tend to focus more on the present moment, connecting deeply with current sensations and emotions. This way of living adds intensity and spontaneity to your life, but it might also make long-term planning or learning from past experiences more challenging. What personal fulfillment do you derive from living in the present, and how do you reconcile this with the demands of future planning?

Guided by Emotions (Heart vs. Head)
You value personal experience and emotions over logical analysis. Your ability to tap into your emotional wisdom leads to empathy and deep insights, but it might also lead to difficulties in situations requiring objectivity. In which situations do you find your emotional wisdom to be your most powerful guide, and when does it become a stumbling block?

Flexibility in Relationships (Interpersonal Control)
You often let others take the lead in interactions, reflecting a flexible and understanding nature. This can help you form deep connections but might also mean that your needs or opinions get overshadowed at times. How does your ability to adapt to others’ needs enhance or hinder the realization of your own desires and goals?

Trusting Others (Trust Proneness)
Your inclination to trust others easily reflects an open-hearted nature. While this openness can lead to strong relationships, it might also leave you vulnerable to disappointment. What has trusting others easily taught you about human nature, and how has it shaped your perception of the world?

Open-minded Learning (Critical Appraisal and Learning Style)
You tend to approach new ideas with an open mind, embracing exploration and discovery. This openness fosters growth and creativity but might also make you more susceptible to misguided beliefs. How does your open-minded exploration of new ideas shape your worldview, and how do you navigate the risk of accepting misguided beliefs?

Free-spirited Responsibility (Responsibility)
Your free-spirited nature and prioritization of personal fulfillment can lead to a joyful life. However, it might sometimes conflict with societal expectations or personal responsibilities. What does personal fulfillment mean to you, and how does it intersect with societal expectations and responsibilities?

Learning through Experience (Preferred Mode of Contact)
Your preference for learning through touch or direct experience enriches your understanding but may challenge more abstract or theoretical learning. What are the profound insights you have gained through direct experience, and how have they influenced your approach to theoretical learning?

The Joy of Dreaming (Processing)
You find great joy in dreaming up new ideas, reflecting creativity and innovation. While this fuels your imagination, it might also make the practical implementation of those ideas a bit challenging. How do you cultivate a balance between your creative imagination and the practical aspects of bringing your dreams into reality?

Trusting Intuition (Writing Value)
Your intuitive approach to work, often without taking notes, fosters originality and creativity. However, it might occasionally hinder organized planning or clear communication. In what ways does your intuition serve as a compass in your life, and how do you reconcile it with the need for structured planning?

The Dionysian personality type represents a fusion of creativity, intuition, and emotional wisdom. This way of being lends itself to a life rich in sensation, connection, and artistic expression. How do these traits resonate with your experience? How do you balance the joys and challenges of the Dionysian way, and where might you find opportunities for growth and understanding?


The Apollonian personality embodies a thoughtful and analytical approach to life, valuing logic, order, and control. Here’s an insight into how the Apollonian thinks and acts, plans and learns:

Thoughtful Awareness (Space Awareness)
As an Apollonian, you possess a thoughtful awareness that keeps you engaged without losing yourself completely. You are in touch with your surroundings, and this consciousness allows you to evaluate situations critically. Where does the balance lie for you between maintaining an analytical perspective and allowing yourself to be emotionally immersed in an experience?

Reflecting on Past and Future (Time Perception)
You spend time reflecting on the past and thinking about the future, giving you a perspective that spans beyond the present moment. While this can guide your decisions and help you avoid mistakes, it might also cause you to miss opportunities in the present. How does your contemplation of the past and future inform the choices you make today, and what might you be missing in the present moment?

Logic and Reasoning (Heart vs. Head)
You tend to rely on logic and reasoning over emotions. While this approach provides clarity and objectivity, it might also make it challenging to connect with others on an emotional level. How does your logical mind influence your relationships, and where might you find room for emotional wisdom?

Controlling Interactions (Interpersonal Control)
You often take control of interactions, ensuring that things go according to your plans. While this approach can lead to effective outcomes, it might also limit spontaneity and close off unexpected opportunities. When does taking control of interactions empower you, and when might it close doors to unexpected opportunities?

Cautious Trust (Trust Proneness)
You tend to be cautious in trusting others, reflecting a considered and analytical approach. While this caution can protect you from disappointment, it might also lead to isolation or missed connections. What lessons have taught you to be cautious in trusting others, and how might this caution both protect and isolate you?

Immediate Judgment (Critical Appraisal and Learning Style)
You are quick to analyze and judge new information, allowing for clear thinking and decision-making. While this approach can help you avoid pitfalls, it might also make you less open to novel ideas and possibilities. How does your critical thinking shape the way you perceive the world, and when might it blind you to undiscovered truths?

High Responsibility (Responsibility)
You feel a strong sense of responsibility towards your duties, whether personal or societal. This can lead to a very organized and fulfilling life but may sometimes restrict joy and spontaneity. What drives your strong sense of responsibility, and how do you find space for joy and spontaneity?

Visual Learning (Preferred Mode of Contact)
You tend to learn best through visual means, such as reading or seeing demonstrations. While this approach fosters a solid understanding of concepts, it might limit your appreciation for more tactile or experiential learning methods. How does your visual learning style shape your understanding of abstract concepts, and what hidden textures might you discover through other sensory experiences?

Implementing Ideas (Processing)
You find satisfaction in not just dreaming up ideas but also implementing them. Your ability to turn visions into reality is a strength, but it might also limit your willingness to explore more fanciful or imaginative avenues. Where do you find the harmony between the joy of dreaming and the satisfaction of implementing your ideas?

Relying on Writing (Writing Value)
You often rely on writing, whether taking notes or carefully crafting messages, to ensure clarity and precision. While this approach fosters effective communication, it might also stifle creativity or spontaneity. How does your dependence on written communication shape your creativity, and where might spontaneity provide new insights?

The Apollonian personality type represents a blend of reason, responsibility, and reflective thinking. This orientation fosters a life characterized by clarity, organization, and considered decision-making. How do these aspects align with your way of thinking? How do you navigate the strengths and limitations of the Apollonian path, and what opportunities might you explore to enrich and balance your experience?


The Odyssean personality embodies a balanced approach to many of the aspects that define the Dionysian and Apollonian types. Here’s a look at how the Odyssean navigates these facets:

Balanced Engagement (Space Awareness)
As an Odyssean, you engage with experiences without completely losing yourself, maintaining a balance between immersion and analytical awareness. What insights have you gained from balancing immersion and awareness in your experiences?

Harmonizing Past, Present, and Future (Time Perception)
You manage to weave the contemplation of the past, the embrace of the present, and the planning for the future into a harmonious whole. How does this integrated perspective on time guide your decisions and enrich your life?

Emotions and Logic in Sync (Heart vs. Head)
You have the capacity to unite emotions and logic, allowing you to respond to situations with both empathy and reason. In what ways does this balance empower you, and how do you know when to lean more towards heart or head?

Adaptive Interactions (Interpersonal Control)
You exhibit flexibility in interactions, sometimes leading and sometimes following, adapting to the needs of the situation. How does your adaptive approach impact your relationships, and when do you choose to lead or follow?

Measured Trust (Trust Proneness)
You have developed a measured approach to trust, balancing openness with caution. How has this nuanced view of trust informed your connections with others, and what have you learned from both trusting and being cautious?

Evaluative Learning (Critical Appraisal and Learning Style)
You possess the ability to evaluate new ideas without immediately accepting or rejecting them, embracing a thoughtful and explorative learning style. How does your evaluative approach influence your understanding, and how do you navigate the tensions between skepticism and acceptance?

Responsible Freedom (Responsibility)
You blend a strong sense of responsibility with a free-spirited nature, aligning your duties with your desires. How do you find the balance between societal expectations and personal fulfillment, and how does this integration shape your life?

Multisensory Learning (Preferred Mode of Contact)
Your ability to learn through various senses, including visual, auditory, and tactile experiences, offers a rich and varied way to understand the world. How does this multisensory approach impact your learning, and what unique insights does it provide?

Dreaming and Doing (Processing)
You manage to both dream up new ideas and put them into practice, harmonizing creativity with practical implementation. How do you navigate the space between imagination and realization, and what successes or challenges have you encountered in this balance?

Intuitive Writing (Writing Value)
You blend intuition and structured writing, allowing for both spontaneity and clarity in communication. How does this combination serve you in your work and personal life, and when do you rely on intuition or structured writing?

The Odyssean personality type represents a synthesis of characteristics, balancing the vivid emotional life of the Dionysian with the analytical precision of the Apollonian. This balanced approach provides a multifaceted perspective, allowing for depth, adaptability, and a harmonious navigation of life’s complexities. How do you see this balanced perspective manifesting in various aspects of your life? How do you cultivate it, and where might you still find room for growth?

Intrigued? Want to learn more?

Harnessing Hypnosis: How Your Personality Type Influences Your Hypnotic Experience

Unlocking the Mind: Find Out How Hypnotizable You Are

The Nietzschean Dichotomy: Unraveling the Apollonian and Dionysian in Personality Typologies