Feel Better

Discovering Your Identity: Embracing a Personality-Focused Approach to Navigate LGBTQ+ Issues

Every individual has a unique journey to self-discovery and identity acceptance. For those wrestling with LGBTQ+ issues, the road can often seem daunting and fraught with challenges. To help you navigate this often complex path, it’s important to consider a holistic approach that embraces your personality traits alongside other strategies, such as creative and expressive methods. Let’s explore how these approaches can foster personal growth, acceptance, and well-being.


Your personality — the unique combination of characteristics that define your attitudes, behaviours, and thoughts — is an integral part of who you are. A personality-focused approach encourages you to embrace these unique traits as a vital component of your identity, including your sexual orientation and gender identity.

In this approach, you explore your personal interests, strengths, and weaknesses, focusing on self-acceptance and personal growth rather than striving to fit into predefined societal norms or expectations. This approach can help you foster a more profound understanding of your identity and engender a sense of self-worth that transcends societal standards.

Strategies we might use in our therapy session to facilitate this could include:

1. Psychoeducation: Understanding LGBTQ+ identities and issues can help reduce internalized stigma and promote self-acceptance. Learning about the biological, psychological, and social aspects of sexual orientation and gender identity can be empowering.

2. Mindfulness and Meditation: Mindfulness practices and meditation can help manage stress, increase self-awareness, and promote emotional healing. Regular practice can also cultivate self-compassion, a critical factor in the journey toward self-acceptance.

3. Art Therapy: This form of therapy involves using the creative process of making art to explore feelings, reconcile emotional conflicts, and enhance self-awareness. It’s a powerful tool for self-expression and can provide a safe platform to explore and communicate complicated feelings related to LGBTQ+ issues.

4. Journaling: Writing about your experiences can help to organize thoughts and feelings that may be difficult to understand. Journaling can provide an outlet for expression and exploration of your identity and emotions, encouraging self-awareness and emotional healing.

5. Expressive Writing: Expressive writing goes a step further than simple journaling. It encourages you to write about your deepest thoughts, feelings, and fears, promoting emotional resolution and stress management.

6. Drama Therapy: By enacting real-life scenarios or creating symbolic, metaphorical dramas, you can explore your identity in a safe, supportive environment. It’s an active, experiential approach that can provide a different perspective on your experiences and feelings.

Embracing your unique personality traits while exploring creative outlets can provide a dynamic and multifaceted approach to understanding and accepting your LGBTQ+ identity. Remember, the journey to self-acceptance is personal and unique. It takes time, patience, and self-compassion.

If you’d like to arrange an initial consultation session to talk more, or perhaps connect for a 15-20 minute “vibes” chat on the phone, let’s organise that for us on WhatsApp (07804197605), or via email if you prefer.