Feel Better

Be Careful Of What You Yearn For

What is it you yearn for?

Perfection, order, integrity?
Love, appreciation, connection?
Success, recognition, admiration?
Authenticity, meaning, uniqueness?
Knowledge, understanding, privacy?
Security, guidance, support?
Happiness, freedom, new experiences?
Control, strength, autonomy?
Or just overall peace, harmony, and inner stability?

Of the list above, some of the adjectives probably spoke more to you than others. Perhaps this is because our yearnings, as is the case with so much of our inner world, are linked to personality patterns. 

When we are in TYPE ONE MODE, we yearn for the right way of being, which is to say, the RIGHTNESS of true being. This means that we long to be in alignment with our inner sense of morality and integrity, to act according to our principles and values, and to radiate a kind of goodness, or “just-ness” (justice) that inspires others. We want to be free from the burden of guilt, resentment, and criticism that comes from falling short of our own or others’ expectations. We want to experience the joy and peace that comes from being in harmony with ourselves, others, and the world. [How can we get “unstuck” or emerge from the suffering associated with  this kind of yearning?]

When we are in TYPE TWO MODE we yearn for a loving way of being (especially with another person), which is to say: the merging essence of LOVE, and selfless generosity. This means that we long to be in connection with others, to give and receive love unconditionally, and to express our warmth and compassion in meaningful ways. We want to be free from the fear of rejection, abandonment, and unworthiness that comes from basing our value on what we do or give for others. We want to experience the fulfilment and gratitude that comes from being appreciated for who we are, not what we do. [How can we get “unstuck” or emerge from the suffering associated with  this kind of yearning?]

When we are in TYPE THREE MODE we yearn for a successful way of being, which is the essential identity of VALUE, being seen as the true person that we are. This means that we long to be in touch with our authentic self, to pursue our own goals and passions, and to express our talents and abilities in the world. We want to be free from the pressure of image, performance, and achievement that comes from adapting to others’ expectations or standards. We want to experience the confidence and integrity that comes from being true to ourselves, not what we think others want us to be. [How can we get “unstuck” or emerge from the suffering associated with  this kind of yearning?]

When we are in TYPE FOUR MODE we yearn for a unique way of being, which is the essential identity of ORIGINALITY, the expression of our true nature. This means that we long to be in harmony with our inner self, to explore our own feelings and creativity, and to express our individuality and uniqueness in the world. We want to be free from the pain of envy, alienation, and insignificance that comes from comparing ourselves to others or feeling different or misunderstood. We want to experience the beauty and acceptance that comes from being ourselves, not what we think we should be. [How can we get “unstuck” or emerge from the suffering associated with  this kind of yearning?]

When we are in TYPE FIVE MODE we yearn for a knowledgeable way of being, which is the clarity essence of WISDOM, the state of clear presence. This means that we long to be in awareness of our inner and outer reality, to acquire knowledge and understanding, and to share our insights and expertise with others. We want to be free from the feeling of emptiness, scarcity, and intrusion that comes from withdrawing from the world or hoarding our resources. We want to experience the abundance and generosity that comes from being engaged with life, not detached from it. [How can we get “unstuck” or emerge from the suffering associated with  this kind of yearning?]

When we are in TYPE SIX MODE we yearn for a safe way of being, which is the strength-essence of COURAGE, a feeling of inner support. This means that we long to be in trust of ourselves and others, to overcome our fears and doubts, and to act with confidence and conviction in the world. We want to be free from the anxiety, insecurity, and suspicion that comes from projecting our worst-case scenarios or seeking external authority or guidance. We want to experience the security and loyalty that comes from being supported by ourselves and others, not dependent on them. [How can we get “unstuck” or emerge from the suffering associated with  this kind of yearning?]

When we are in TYPE SEVEN MODE we yearn for a fun way of being, which is the joy essence of FULFILMENT, the feeling of complete satisfaction. This means that we long to be content with ourselves and our situation, to enjoy the present moment, and to appreciate the gifts and opportunities that life offers. We want to be free from the feeling of deprivation, limitation, and boredom that comes from avoiding pain or seeking stimulation or novelty. We want to experience the happiness and moderation that comes from being satisfied with what we have, not what we lack. [How can we get “unstuck” or emerge from the suffering associated with  this kind of yearning?]

When we are in TYPE EIGHT MODE we yearn for a powerful way of being, which is the true essence of INNOCENCE, the feeling of pure presence. This means that we long to be in contact with our inner child, to express our vulnerability and tenderness, and to protect ourselves and others from injustice or harm. We want to be free from the feeling of betrayal, violation, and weakness that comes from denying our emotions or imposing our will or power. We want to experience the honesty and compassion that comes from being open to ourselves and others, not closed off from them. [How can we get “unstuck” or emerge from the suffering associated with  this kind of yearning?]

When we are in TYPE NINE MODE we yearn for a peaceful way of being, which is the grounding essence of SUPPORT, the feeling of being held by being. This means that we long to be in balance with ourselves and our environment, to harmonise our own needs and preferences with those of others, and to contribute our own voice and perspective to the world. We want to be free from the feeling of neglect, ignorance, and conflict that comes from numbing out our own awareness or going along with others’ expectations or agendas. We want to experience the awareness and action that comes from being attentive and active with ourselves and others, not passive toward them. [How can we get “unstuck” or emerge from the suffering associated with  this kind of yearning?]

Our yearnings point to what is most valuable or important for us, but as you can see they also point to aspects of the human dimension that we all seek in some way or another: being RIGHT, being LOVED, being VALUED, being ORIGINAL, being WISE, being COURAGEOUS, being FULFILLED, being INNOCENT, and being SUPPORTED. 

Have a look at the article links above associated with each of our human yearnings to get a better idea of how the yearning is shaped, as well as how to work with and through it.